How Dentists Can Leverage Landing Pages to Gain More Patients

19 May 2021
How Dentists Can Leverage Landing Pages To Gain More Patients

As a dentist, there are many ways to attract more patients to your practice. This includes social media, paid ads, referral programs, and much more. One method that is often overlooked is the landing page. In this guide, we will cover what a landing page is, why it is important, and the elements that make a good landing page.

What is a Landing Page

What is a Landing Page?

Before creating landing pages for your dental practice, you need to know what they are! A landing page is a page on your website that users land on after clicking your social media links, online ads, or search results. Its main purpose is to convert visitors into leads.

Why are Landing Pages Important

Generally, landing pages offer something valuable to the visitors like a PDF guide, discount code, eBook, promotional deal, consultation, or free trial. The list goes on. The main goal is to get their contact information like their email so that you have a higher conversion rate of attracting more patients to your dental practice.

Although landing pages are not popular, they have a 23% conversion rate, the highest of all sign-up forms. An effective landing page will encourage potential customers to provide basic information in exchange for something beneficial.

Why are landing pages important?

1. Build trust

Build Trust

As with any industry, especially healthcare, gaining patient trust is a top priority. You want to make sure that your patients feel that they are in good hands. Fortunately, landing pages can help you develop that trust.

When users search the web and click on your Google ad for dentists, they are directed to your landing page. This is the first exposure they have to your business. This makes it that much more important to leave a positive impression. On a side note, if you want to improve your PPC for dentists, feel free to check it out.

Your landing page can convince them that your business is trustworthy and credible. Establishing trust connects you to your potential customers and improves their site experience. As a result, they are more likely to convert.

2. Generate more leads

Homepages have a low conversion rate because they force users to make an effort to search for what they want. However, landing pages are specific and directly guide users to what they are looking for. Therefore, they offer more opportunities to convert.

Since landing pages can be targeted to different segment groups, they will be more personalized to meet the needs or wants of that group. Doing this can help you capture leads at a higher rate and attract more patients to your dental practice.

3. Answer questions and concerns

Answer Questions and Concerns

Landing pages are also a great place to address common questions and concerns. It is another opportunity for you to establish yourself as a credible and knowledgeable figure in the dental industry. Showing your expertise will reinforce customer trust and improve your chances of a user converting.

4. Collect and track data

When users fill out their information on landing pages, you are collecting data that can inform future marketing efforts. You have a better understanding of their demographics and qualities. This valuable information can help you adjust your marketing strategy to optimize your landing page conversion rates.

The data can also reveal which prospects are interested in your dental practice and which landing pages are most effective. Identifying the areas to focus on will increase lead generation and conversion rates.

What do all good landing pages have?

On average, landing pages have a 2.35% conversion rate. We will uncover what elements contribute to this and how to leverage it to gain more patients.

What Do All Good Landing Pages Have

1. Clear and compelling headline

When visitors are taken to your landing page, the first thing they will see is the headline. So it is important that it is attention-grabbing and clear. You want to grab their interest and encourage them to stay on your page.

Besides grabbing their attention, you also want to inform users about your product or service. Clearly explain what you have to offer and what do you want them to do on your page.

For example, if you own a dental office, you want to state your unique selling proposition. One could be offering quality dental service at an affordable price. Highlighting what you can offer will persuade visitors to stay on the page and take action.

2. Call to action

Call to Action

For the second component of an effective landing page, the call to action (CTA) is crucial to conversions. Remember that the purpose of a landing page is to increase conversions. A call to action helps you to achieve this goal!

Generally, CTAs take the form of a button. This button needs to demand attention and stand out. A general tip is to make the button a different color from the landing page and large enough so visitors will not be confused about where to look.

A great CTA will clearly explain what visitors will get in exchange for their information. Avoid generic button text like “SUBMIT” or “CLICK HERE.” You want to personalize it to your business and connect it back to your unique selling proposition.

As a dentist, a button text example could be “BOOK A FREE DENTAL CLEANING.” Another can be “GET YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE HERE.”

3. Benefits and features

Besides the headline and CTA, you want to go more in-depth about your product or service. After getting their attention, this is the space to answer any questions and explain in detail what you can provide. For your dental practice, emphasize your professional staff or excellent customer service.

4. Social proof

As with anything we have purchased, customer reviews and testimonials influence our buying decisions. Social proof is a powerful way to build trust and be more convincing. Studies have shown that visitors are more likely to convert to customers if they see that other people have been referred, specifically 71%.

Another way to build trust is through trust badges and logos. Having authority badges from other sites or reputable associations will make visitors feel more comfortable and safe as they know your dentistry has been verified. Including COVID-19 precautions will make them feel even more confident when visiting your dental office.

Social Proof

In addition, having office pictures on your landing pages will make patients feel safer. Seeing your office beforehand will give them a sense of what to expect and relieve any worries.

5. Closing argument

The last piece to any successful landing page is the closing argument. This is your last chance to sell them on the value of what you can offer in exchange for converting. It reinforces your unique selling proposition and is paired with a CTA.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have a clear understanding of the importance of landing pages and their components, it is time to take a look at yours and make any necessary changes. Remember to keep it concise and highlight how clicking on the CTA will benefit your customers. There is always room to create a more powerful landing page!

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