No matter what kind of business you work in, contact pages are important when you make a website. Also, the information you put on your contact page is important. If you just give your customers your address, phone number, and email, they’ll be able to get in touch with you.
However, there are a lot of advantages to giving them a web form, the most important of which is that you protect yourself from spam. Forms not only make your life easier, but they also make the user experience better when they are used the right way.
Let’s talk about some of the extra benefits that web forms have over clickable email links and traditional contact information, and how you can make forms that work for both you and your users.
1. Customers like more options
Some people prefer to talk to a company representative face-to-face, while others don’t like having to wait on the phone for a person to get back to them. Phone number, address, email, and web form are ways customers can get in touch with you. This allows them to choose the best method for them, and it doesn’t make them angry when their preferred method isn’t available.
With this in mind, you have to meet your customers where they are, so keep this in mind. If you make forms, they should be able to be used by people who use their phones and tablets, too. Globally, around half of all web traffic is generated by mobile devices, according to Statista.
This figure has remained constant for a long time. When you use Web Forms, you need to make sure they work well on both desktop and mobile. But the extra work is worth it when you can quickly get the information you need to serve your customers better.
2. Receive the type of information you need
Web forms are different from other forms because they give you the power to decide what information you get from your customer. You can ensure that your web visitors give you the information you need by giving them specific fields and telling them which fields are required.
When you provide an email address, you open the door for communication with no direction. We often tell our clients that web forms can also be used to pre-qualify a web question.
For example, we work with Super Toys, a company that makes toys for kids. It’s a good idea for kids to learn about performing arts. They have classes in five different places for people of different ages. So, visitors have to write down their child’s grade and where they want to go on their form.
Individuals who fill out a form at Super Toys can review their registrations to see if the class they want is full before Super Toys calls them.
Keep an eye out, though! Your forms should get the information you need without making your customers feel like they have to do too much work to fill them out. You don’t want to make it more difficult to say yes. How do you not lose interest in filling out a simple contact form? It can be hard when it asks for everything and the kitchen sink.
Try to keep the number of fields on your contact forms down to about 4 or 5. If you add more than that, be strategic about which fields are required and optional. That way, those who are patient can finish the whole thing, but those in a hurry can only provide the bare necessities.
3. Forms are trackable
There are certain things you need to be able to figure out how well your website is doing. Web forms do that. It’s easy to see how many people have seen your contact page and how many have filled out the form if you set goals for conversions in Google Analytics.
If they came to your site from another site, you could find out which one to figure out which one is working the best. When you click on a link in an email, you can’t drill down the same way, making them much less trackable.
4. Inquiry back – UPS
Most web forms are set up to put information into a file and send an email to the person at the company who was chosen to get the paper. Your records should be in this way. This will ensure that even if that staff member’s emails are deleted or lost, you have a copy of them on your site. This file can then be put in a customer database or sent to many people at once. There is no need to re-type.
You can use a form builder to keep track of all the people who have signed up for your website on WordPress. There are a lot of top WordPress sites that use it, and we can see why:
- Forms can be easily changed with a drag-and-drop style editor.
- Create polls, take payments, get leads, and more with this app.
- For smooth communication, connect your other apps and platforms.
- Check out form submissions right from your WordPress dashboard.
ARForms is as sure as we are that you’ll love what they’re offering. As long as you have the free lite version, you can see all its features in as little time as you want!
5. Convenience is key
Their default email programme opens when your customers click on an email link. There’s a chance that the customer will get frustrated and leave your site without getting in touch with you. They may not have set up their default email, or it isn’t the email they want to use to get in touch with you.
This is more visible than ever because so many people use Gmail. Web forms are great because your customers don’t even have to leave your contact page to contact you. Also, this makes it more likely that your customers will spend more time on your site after they have called or emailed you.
On your contact page, though, a web form should be at the top. This is the best way to get in touch. Let us know if you need help adding web forms to your site or deciding which fields are essential for your records. We’d love to help!
The best web form is one of the most effective ways that initiates user action on your websites. Before creating a web form, you should be aware of a user’s common mistakes. The user should never see the act of filling out a state as a burden or a nuisance.
For this reason, the forms must be clear, simple, and trustworthy. I sincerely hope this compilation proves to help understand the importance of web forms and improve the user experience.